Reasons for women`s Infidelity
Punitive measures, which have been taken against straying wives, were adopted in the mistaken belief that some women are adulterous by nature, and the penalties were meant to discourage repetitive acts.
However, infidelity in a woman has always been a reaction to certain stressful situations. A few of these anxiety inducers that motivate a woman into cheating her spouse have been given here.
Absence of Communication
Very few spouses realise the value of effective soulful communication. Nil or absent communication has been repeatedly stressed as a factor that has induced great marital dissatisfaction.
Usually, in the early years of marriage, motherhood regales a woman and diminished conversation does not affect her much, especially when she is surrounded by her small loving children. Over the years, (once the children turn school-goers) reduced spousal articulation induces severe boredom. A man who rarely talks with his wife fails to fulfil her emotional requirements.
The bored woman soon seeks other avenues for emotional fulfilment. One such easily accessible source in modern times is the internet. In the private confines of her room, the woman develops an instant rapport with men and reveals the most intimate details of her personal life. What amazes many a marriage counsellor or an analyst is that such profound closeness had never been experienced by the marital mates. Probably, such a deep relationship might have prevailed in the days of courtship and would have subsequently vanished during marital life.
Herein is a cautionary word for every married person. It is vital to converse regularly with the spouse, in the right tone and manner. Couples develop a close bonding only by discussing day-to-day issues and planning a life that has to be lived together. When sharing of personal feelings does not occur, it is natural for the woman to turn lonely.
Loneliness and Marital Monotony
Loneliness is a silent killer of the marriage. None can vouch stronger for this fact than the long-suffering wife of an absentee spouse, who globe-trots for professional reasons. Consistent spousal absence or attention denial, (even when present) makes the woman feel neglected.
Usually, men who neglect their wives are disinclined to show any interest in their job, ideas, activities, etc. The wife spends her day taking care of the house and children. The marital monotony combined with negligence hurts her self-esteem. Such women are often found to seek solace in relationships outside marriage.
The place of work proves to be the ideal place for developing close contacts. Here, men and women work adjacent to one another. There is ample scope to turn professional relationships personal and gradually the affair transcends the platonic stage. The relationship is then used by the woman to validate her desirability, boost her self-esteem and nurture her own ego. At times, she might even use this opportunity to seek vengeance on her spouse, for making her suffer so.
A Working Woman
A woman works outside the house, manages a difficult job and then returns home to cook for the family and keep the house clean. Her partner hardly bothers to help. Despite being tired, the woman is expected to do all the household chores like the non-working women of yester years.
This gender adherence to roles should be completely given up if the marriage has to be saved. Men should acclimatise themselves to the changing role of women.
These are a few factors that make women cheat their spouse. Upon revelation of the extramarital alliance, the affair might get prematurely terminated, but the lost trust and faith take years to rebuild.Women infidelity has been in existence since long, but it is only of late that attention is being given to this issue. An in-depth study of the entire subject has revealed only one factor. Women cheat their spouse, as a last resort, when all other measures to inculcate love and affection in the relationship fail. Adultery in women is easily preventable for women cheat for emotional reasons. If their need for love and respect are fulfilled, rarely will there be infidel women. Women will only cheat their spouse if they are unhappy in a marriage, while men cheat despite being happily married.
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